Research at Missouri Botanical Garden:
In the summer of 2011, an undergraduate student from KSC and I collected morphological data from herbarium specimens at the Missouri Botanical Garden. All of our measurements will be used to complete a revision of Passiflora subgenus Decaloba.
Research in Mexico:
In the summers of 2008 and 2010, I traveled in Mexico with two undergraduates (one from Oaxaca, Mexico and one from Keene, NH, USA) to collect passionflowers for a revision of Passiflora subgenus Decaloba.
Laboratory Research at Keene State College:
Many students have been involved in various aspects of my laboratory research at KSC. Students have learned how to extract DNA from plant tissue, amplify and sequence target genes, and analyze those sequences to produce evolutionary hypotheses. Undergraduate researchers, please use this link to access laboratory protocols.